Monday, March 30, 2009


"There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved." (Acts 4.12)

There’s a name that we hear and we prick up our ears
It’s been around now for a good many years
Some hear it with joy, some dissatisfaction
Whatever the case, it provokes a reaction

Controversial for many, the cause of much strife
Of wars and of greed and the plundering of life
The wisdom-filled tell us religion’s to blame
“That wouldn’t have happened if not for the name”

“and what of those tyrants who preached in the name
to further their causes or garnish their fame
On the surface quite flawless, no fissures or cracks
but behind secret doors they commit heinous acts”

In Gods’ perfect world, how could this all happen?
Was He to blame or were MEN the war captains?
Did MEN make decisions and use their own voices?
Did He gift them the privilege to make their own choices?

Yet others make choices to listen with hope
The name brings new life and a new way to cope
Provides a new purpose, our bonds it can sever
and speaks of a love that can be ours forever

This name was first spoken in Heaven above
It means truth and compassion, means power and love
and whether the hope or the bane of the nations
this name’s interwoven through all of creation

What does the name stir in you when you hear?
Does it fill you with joy or does it interfere
with the lies you’ve been told or your dance through the night?
This name is your last chance to walk in the light

An unstoppable light that shineth eternal
An unquenchable power over all that’s infernal
An unfathomable love through a sacrifice made
An undeniable presence that must be obeyed

Is it mohammed? Quick, get on the phone!
krishna or buddha or some other stone?
There’s only one name and forever I’ll sing
His name is Jesus. Jesus my King!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom,

    Great to see you getting your work out there to the wider community! Congratulations!


    Lynn Fowler
